The ultimate guide on creating the best community in Gallium


As you know from November 2018 the community feature is available which means you can create your own community inside Gallium easy and fast. This allows you to publish your own lessons, tests, exercises, live stream, and much more. If you are new to the community features we recommend you check the community creating hub in the support.


To create your community you will first need a name for it. Be creative but make everything possible to make the name as easy to remember as possible. We recommend you to not use your name or some information about you. This process seems easy but the name is the most important part of your community. You can change it every time you want to but when you change the name all URLs of the community will change too, which means your users maybe will not find the way to it. Please note that when changing your name the old URLs will not redirect to the new ones.


After you finished with the name go to and fill our simple form. You will need to write down your email for contact, emails with updates, and some other information you will need for your community. You will need your account password, community name, type of chemistry content you will be published in it and your location (country and city). Please provide accurate information because the wrong one may corrupt your community in the future. You need to be at least 16!


After submitting this information Gallium will respond to you in one or two hours. If the information you have provided is enough and everything seems good your community will get activated. If you get approved you will need to provide some additional information. Please note that you will need to have at least one lesson ready for publishing. The subject of the lesson can be everything connected to chemistry in some way. You will need to submit the lesson and provide us some information about your plans for the community. If you pass this step too, you will be ready to customize and launch your community.

After submitting the lesson and the additional information we need Gallium will reply to you within 3 hours and if you are approved you will get a link to the dashboard of your community. You will first need to customize it. Gallium has a lot of themes ready for you. Every theme is free and fully customizable which means it is easy to build a beautiful community for a day or two.


Please note that as a new community you will need to be patient. Most of the features will not be available at the beginning. When you start you will be able to publish unlimited amounts of lessons, make your own tests and exercises. You will be able to publish video lessons and get subscriptions. The subscriptions will be the way you earn money from your community. Subscriptions have fixed prices but they have different tiers which means you can get more for offering more. For example, the subscriber for 5€ will have access to some cool features which non-subscribers cannot use but subscriber for 10 or 20€ will have access to even more features. It all depends on you what you will offer.


Please note that our quality standards are high and we will not allow you to have bad or wrong content in your community. If the quality is under our standards and you are doing nothing to improve it your community will get deleted and you will lose your right to participate in our partnership program.


If you need more help on creating your community please contact our support center. If you get approved to create a community you will get better instructions on customizing the community, adding content, managing subscriptions and more.


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