Applying for Partnership

Gallium Partnerships give you access to all Gallium features including the catalog, news feed, the News Hub, daily lessons, and more.

You need to be an educational creator, publisher, video studio, or similar to apply for the partnership. If you meet the requirements, you need to fill a short form to tell us more about yourself, why you want to partner with Gallium, and your plans in the future if you get the partnership. We need some legal information too. Also if you have released content we will be happy to see it. 

If you are ready to apply follow this link.

Need more information? Check our FAQ below. 

How do I apply for a Gallium partnership?

You apply by filling a short form with information about you and your project, company, studio, etc. You can find the form here.

What do I get if I become a Gallium partner?

Your educational content will be eligible for publishing in the Gallium Catalog. Also, you will get access to all our features including the News Hub, the news feed, you will be able to publish daily lessons, you will get a Creator Page and you will be able to create a community. You will also get access to all features Gallium releases in the future. 

What is a daily lesson?

Every day in Gallium a creator or studio gets the chance to publish a new and unique lesson they have created as a daily lesson. This is a great opportunity to attract new followers.

What is a Creator page?

All creators in Gallium including Gallium have creator pages. They are similar to pages in social media platforms but focus on the content creators release, and have features tailored to their needs. 

What is the News Hub?

This is the place where all news from Gallium including official announcements, announcements about new releases, and upcoming events are published. Also, the News Hub gathers blog posts from the already existing blogs of creators. If you are a Gallium Partner your blog posts can appear on the News Hub as well. If you do not have a blog yet you can directly publish your posts in the News Hub.

How much time does it take to get approved after applying?

It depends on many factors. But we will make everything we can to keep you informed. We will tell you if we have received your application and we will keep you informed during the revision. Although the process is different for every application it normally does not take more than one week.

What happens if I am rejected?

It happens rarely but sometimes the application does not meet our quality requirements or we decide for some reason it is inappropriate. No matter the reason for rejecting, we will always give you enough information about why you are not approved for a partnership.

Can I apply again after I have been rejected?

Of course, you can. As long as you fulfilled all requirements you did not last time you have a great chance to get approved. 

Still, have questions? Feel free to reach our support via our chat or leave a ticket.