Our privacy policy (It, the policy) explains the ways we collect, use, and share your information. Here you can find out how we collect information while you are using our services and how you can control the information collected. 

Note that in the policy we will only discuss the ways we (Gallium) collect, use and share your private information but Gallium Powered is working with third-party services and companies which may also collect and use your information. We will only mention them but it is on your responsibility to read their own privacy policies and resources on the subject.

When we say Gallium Powered we refer to Gallium Powered Inc. and its subsidiaries. Our privacy policy is part of the Terms of Use but they serve different purposes and you need to read both before using our services. Make sure you read our Cookie policy as well to understand what cookies we use and what information we store on your machine.

What information do we collect? 


We collect both personal and public information from you while using our services. This information includes your email, the password you use to log in to Gallium, your approximate* location, and other information of this kind.

 *By approximate we mean the city from where you are accessing Gallium’s websites. We use third-party services like Google’s Search Console and Analytics to improve our services and the way you interact with them. Using them, we can see your location, the language you use, your device, your operating system, and more**. 

**We collect the following information: demographic data (age, gender), geographic information (language and location), the technology used (browser, operational system, and network), mobile device type.

This way we are able to design our product in a way they will fit your needs and work on the hardware and software you have. 

How we collect information? 

The ways we collect information can be divided into two categories. 

The information you give - this information includes the data you use to register or log in to Gallium like email, password, and name. 

The information we collect is about your software and hardware, your location, and the language you speak. We may also collect some information from your browsers like its version and some other specification of the program you use to reach us. 

How we use your information? 

We use your information to improve our services. For example the email and password you grant help us create your profile and then authenticate you to use everything in it. In another scenario, we monitor the countries from where users reach Gallium, and if there is an increase in the users from a specific country with a language we do not support we may consider translating our content and services on that language. 

How we share information? 

The third-party services we use in Gallium collect their own information and use it to help them deliver you better services and a better experience. They include Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Talk.to live chat, AddThis social services. We only use services from companies with a good reputation. We will never expose your private information to people and companies that might do harm to you. 

Children safety. 


We, here at Gallium take children’s safety seriously. We make everything possible to keep our platforms and services children-friendly by monitoring the content our users share in the community services and make sure the content we post is not disturbing to the young audience. In some rare cases when content might be inappropriate to children we will warn them when they try to access it. For additional safety, we only allow 8-years-olds or above that line to use our services. 

If a child is not at least 8-years-old it is to parents’ responsibility to assist him or her when using Gallium. 

Control your privacy information.

Please note that unless you are a registered Gallium user your information is not stored in our servers. You will occur in the overall data and statistics but not as an individual. You will be included only in the statistics we use to improve Gallium.

If you are a registered Gallium user you can request a copy of all the information we have collected for the period of your membership. If you want us to delete your profile and the information we have stored you are allowed to do so. Contact the support center and request a complete export of your data.


Contact us: 

Use Gallium Support to contact us or use some of these e-mails: galliumsupport@galliumpowered.com 



or use some of our social network accounts.

Last updated: 21/06/2020