This agreement (“The Agreement”) sets the terms and conditions by which Gallium Powered Inc (“Gallium Powered/Gallium/Us”) and its subsidiaries (“Gallium Services”) offer you access to use and enjoy: 

Our Gallium lessons (“The Lessons”) 

The Gallium Website (“The website”) 

The Gallium Book Club (“The Book Club”)

The Gallium Blogs (“The blogs”)

The Gallium Catalog (“The Catalog”)

While using these products and services you need to provide some private information. You can see more in the Privacy Policy (“The Policy”). We retain and use such information according to the Gallium Privacy Policy. 

Please note: To use Gallium products and services you must accept the Gallium Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. By browsing the website, the catalog, or any other web product of Gallium or by registering an account in Gallium you agree with our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 

1. Profile


1.1. Am I eligible to use Gallium services? 

To use our services you must meet the following criteria. 

You must be at least 10 years old. However, please note that if you are under 18 years old you should read and accept The Agreement accompanied by an adult responsible for you. 


1.2. I am eligible. How can I create an account? 

You need to follow these steps:


Follow this web address.
Provide us with a real email, choose a username that suits you and is not already in use, and agree with our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy. 


1.3. Do I need to provide my real name?

It is advisable for you to provide us with your real name. However, if you do not want to use your real name you are free to create a nickname for yourself as long as it does not offend any of the Gallium members and does not violate the Explorers Code. 

Please note that when making a purchase or subscription you must provide Gallium with accurate and complete information to ensure the service or product you paid for is activated or delivered. 

If you provide Gallium with wrong information during the payment Gallium may refuse to give you access to the service, or deliver the product you paid for.

1.4. Selling or sharing your Gallium account.

1.4.1. Can I share my Gallium account with family members or friends?

It is not advisable for you to share access to your Gallium account with anyone. If you do and private information is extracted from the account in the process Gallium is not responsible for it and is freed of legal liability.

1.4.2. Can I sell my Gallium account?

No, you cannot. If you do and Gallium notice this change your account will be blocked for a very long period of time or even deleted. 

2. Account deleting


We (Gallium) are free to block or delete your account or refuse you access to our services at any time providing you violated one of the following rules:

You violated the rules in The Agreement.
You violated the Explorers Code.
You tried to stop Gallium’s work in some way. This can include uploading malicious software on Gallium servers, launching digital attacks on Gallium infrastructure or anything else Gallium decides may be harmful to its infrastructure, services, and other users.


2.1. What happens when my account is deleted or blocked? (No Gallium for you!)

If your account is blocked it is currently inaccessible and will remain so for as long as Gallium decides it should. You, however, may be granted access again after some period of time depending on the reason your account has been blocked.

If your account is deleted it is gone forever. You crossed the rubicon and there is no turning back.

3. Limited license.


3.1. What can I do with Gallium products and services?

You can use and enjoy Gallium Powered services for your own non-commercial purpose.

3.2. Can I use Gallium intellectual property (IP) to create other products, art, materials, etc.? 

You cannot use Gallium IP to create products of all kinds for commercial purposes or for other websites, services, platforms, institutions. On the other hand, you are free to use Gallium’s IP to create and share whatever you want in the Gallium Community and Gallium Social Channels with other Gallium members.

4. Virtual goods.


4.1. What kind of virtual goods Gallium Powered offer?

Gallium offers subscriptions, lessons, videos, games, and materials. Gallium Powered also offers profile accessories like backgrounds, icons, emoticons, stickers, and modifiers.

4.2.  What are my responsibilities to Gallium when I pay for something? 

You should provide us with accurate and complete information during the payment process. 

4.3.  Do I “own” the product for which I pay?

No. When you “unlock” virtual good in Gallium you do not become its owner but you get access to it in Gallium Powered and other Gallium platforms and websites.

4.4.  Can I submit ideas to improve Gallium?

Yes. But if you submit an idea it automatically becomes a Gallium idea. We can use it forever and we are not intended to give anything in return.

5. The Explorer Code


The Explorer Code is the moral compass all members should use and comply with. It sets the terms and conditions upon which you are eligible to use The Gallium Community. 

Please note that it is advisable for you to read The Explorer Code before using any community features in Gallium. It will help you understand how to behave, what is considered good and bad. 

5.1.  Can I flame, threaten or harass people while using Gallium services?

NO! But if you do it, your account will be deleted or blocked.

You can see more about The Gallium Explorer Code here.

6. Am I responsible for the content that I post/create/share in Gallium Services?

Yes, you are. You should avoid sharing or publishing content that may be disturbing or offending to other members. You also must not upload files/programs/content that may stop or interrupt Gallium’s work and the functioning of its web services. 

Gallium Powered - Terms of Use