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Creating your own community


As a partner of Gallium, we are giving you the chance to create your own community inside our websites. Your community is not limited by size, pages, and users who can join.


What is a community?


Communities are the best way to connect publishers and users. Most of the people who are using our partnership program can create their own community.


Can I create a community?


You can if you have at least 10 lessons published in the last 30 days and you have at least 150 reads per lesson every day of the 30 days period.


What are the features of a community?


Your community is your own site. You will be free to choose from your templates and customize them. You can add add-ons, customize the basic features of a community and more. Your community gets its own chat, forums, and other cool stuff. You can add your own emotes, badges, create special events and even more.


Is there any limitation when customizing the community?


Yes, you cannot change everything you see because this way it will be really difficult for Gallium users to understand what is happening when switching from one community to another.


Is creating a community free?


Yes, it is absolutely free and Gallium will not ask you money for any of the features we are offering.


Can I make money from my community?


Yes, the community is the main source of income in our partnership program.


How can I make money from my community?


You get paid if your users want to subscribe to your community. Subscriptions cost money and you get 90% of them.


Is this mean that communities are paid products for Gallium users?


No. Communities can be used for free as well but for the money, users get to subscribe they get special products, like exclusive content, custom emotes, badges and access to special community-limited events.