Gallium Powered Support ://Devs

Subscriptions, custom emotes, and badges


What are community subscriptions?


A community subscription is a way a user can show his thankfulness for the products you are offering him for free. There are three types of subscriptions: Basic for 5€, Level 2 for 15€ and Level 3 for 30€.

Depending on the level of a subscription a user is using he will get access to different services. Level 2 and 3 get additional emotes, badges, they can get random drops of items more often and get some other privileges.


Can I set the price of a subscription?


No. The prices are fixed and you are not allowed to change them.


How much of the money from a subscription do I get?


You get 90% of the subscription. We cannot tell you how much of the money will be lost while transferring them. Many companies like banks or online wallets take taxes for money transfers. Your sum can get down to 85% or 80%.


Should I pay taxes for the money I make from Gallium?


Yes, you should pay taxes, but Gallium cannot oblige you to do this. We have no way to trail your money so the responsibility is in your hands.




How can I create my own emotes?


If you have permission you will have a button “submit emote” and by clicking it you will need to upload an image containing the emote. It should be 30x30 pixels no more or less. The image must be PNG and must be with appropriate content.


How many emotes can I have?


The number of emotes is limited depending on the size of your community. You will start with 4 free slots for emotes and for every 100 new subscribers for your community you will get 4 additional slots. For every 500 subscribers, we will give you 5 extra slots for emotes.


Why you limit the number of emotes?


We want to set goals for your community, and for achieving them we will reward you. We think it will not be interesting if you just get everything so easy or get the option to purchase it. Our goal is to make your community grow and by growing to unlock new features. And in the end, only the biggest communities will have the coolest features.


Are the emotes available in other communities?


Yes, all emotes are available everywhere, but when someone uses your emote in different chat, after hovering over the emote the user will see from which community it is.




Badges are special elements available in your profile, rewarded from communities for completing specific challenges, participating in community-limited events or just for subscribing for a community.


How many badges can I create for my community?


There is no limit, but all badges should have a specific goal, like saying a big thank you to your subscribers, giving them a memory from some cool custom event you have hosted, being one of your first subscribers or something else.


How to create a badge?


First, you will need an image of the badge. If you can draw make it your own, if not call someone who can. After you have the image, submit it to the Gallium support to see it. If it is appropriate it will be released for the goal you have set earlier before submitting the image.


Are badges free?


Yes, they are free for you and your users.


Why should Gallium review my badges before publishing?


We want to be sure the image is not violating the rights of our users. Don’t worry, if your image is user-friendly it will be ready to use really fast.


Can I make crafting a recipe for the badge?


Yes, you can. If you want to enable your user to collect materials and then craft the badge instead of just getting it you are free to do it. But you will need way more images and other files to do this. If you want to try this please contact us.


Can users see their badges on their main profiles?


Not for now. Badges are an exclusive feature for the communities and they are not available outside of them.