Gallium Powered Support ://Devs

Community radio


If your community has at least 20 active subscribers and 200 users and is active from 10 days you can create your own radio or use a hosted by Gallium one.


What are the songs I can use on my radio?


Gallium cannot control what you are streaming on your radio but we recommend you to use appropriate songs. Be careful with the songs you are playing because some of your users may are under 18. Please don’t use songs with inappropriate words.


Should I have a license for the songs I am playing?


We recommend you to try to get a license. We cannot oblige you to get a license but in some cases, your radio or even community could get blocked.


Is there a list of songs I can choose?


No, you select and play the songs.


Can I run ads on my radio?


Sorry, no. You are not allowed to play ads on your radio and if a user reports you for advertising you may get banned.


Sharing videos


You are free to share (only YouTube videos) if they are with appropriate content and you have the right to use them.


By using them we mean to use them for your lessons and projects, there is nothing stopping users from sharing videos in the chats and forums.


Can I use my own videos?


Yes, we even recommend you to create and use your own videos.


Can I add paid promotions to my videos which I add to my community?


No, if you try you may get banned.


Other media usage


You can add Twitter and Facebook posts if their content is appropriate for all users, in all ages, and from all cultures and regions.


Can I add images from Imgur or other media sharing services?


We recommend you to upload your files directly in the community.




Translating Gallium


Currently, most of the information Gallium have is only available in English. If you want to help us translate our lessons and materials we could pay you for your work. This is maybe the surest way of getting money from Gallium.


The only need you need to have is to know English and one more language. After passing a test in way Gallium will be sure your translations are correct you will start to get text files that you will need to translate.


If you want to help Gallium translate its lessons contact us by email:


Translating your community


You are free to translate your community in as many languages as you want. We recommend you to translate your lessons and projects into at least 5 languages. If you translate your community on more languages you may get some bonus features that are not available for other communities and you will get paid better than communities available on a smaller number of languages.


Ask your users for help with translation


You can ask your community for help. The only condition is to submit translated files to Gallium before publishing to be sure the translation is accurate. If you publish the wrong translation you may get fined.


Please note that if you want help from your community you should reward them for the work. We can give you coupons for coins, items, and modifiers for rewards but you are free to pay them real money too.


Please note that if we learn that you are not paying for the work your community is doing you may get banned.


On which languages I can translate my community?


You can use every language you want.


On which language my community must mandatorily be translated?


Your community must be translated into English at all costs.


Which languages do you recommend to me to translate my community?


English, Spanish, Chinese, German, Bulgarian, Russian.


Is there a limit to translations?


No, you are free to translate as much as you want.