Gallium Powered - Live fast, die young

After you have read this, it is somehow logical to you. We just need to grow perennial plants. And we do. We grow a lot of perennial plants, but most of our food comes from annuals.

For example, one apple tree needs time to start giving fruits. All perennials take the time they need to build strong roots, branches, and a lot of leaves before they are ready to produce fruits. And if someone is relying on them for food, he will starve to death until they are available.

Conventional farms are large, occupy big parts of the land and are mostly made of annual crops.

Although it takes so much time, the tactic of perennials wins in nature. For the plants living only one year, it has separated a comparatively small part of the land. They need some kind of accident to conquer bigger chunks like a fire. And if this happens, they quickly take over the place that is given to them.

But people love annuals. And this is the reason why they often clear significant parts of forests and places occupied by perennials to make a place for annual crops. And this is happening everywhere, which leads to a lot of problems in the long run.

But this creates a lot of problems for us. We need to replant those crops every year, and not only this requires a lot of work, but it is not suitable for the soil also. We already told you that if there are no perennial plants to protect the soil, the wind and water blow it away.



How honey is made?

Why there are so many insects?

How trees communicate?

Why leaves change their color in Autumn?





End of lesson



Learn why most of the crops people grow are annual. They live for only one year. Grow fast but die young.

Live fast,

die young

e don’t think about that often, but most of the plants we grow for food die every year. From one side, we eat them, but even without that, they would die anyway. This is their strategy in life. They are in a hurry to produce the seeds for the next generation to come.