Wonders of Earth


Insects’ food sources are also very diverse. They eat leaves, flowers’ nectar, blood, other insects, and even feces. The last one is so popular that some insects lay their eggs on them while others even build homes out of it.

Everything mentioned above makes insects so efficient and good at survival that it let them spread almost everywhere and conquer this world.



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Why there are so many insects?

They are everywhere around you. At any given moment, there could be hundreds of them around you. And we can easily admit that not us but they are the species to conquer this world.

These big numbers are presented at the species level, as well. There are around 1 million known different species of insects compared to the 16 000 other species of animals. And there are insects that we haven't classified yet.

But why there are so many insects?  It is estimated, there are around one quintillion individuals in the world. Compared to the seven billion humans, they outnumber us in times.

They stand for 75% of all animals on earth. And yet nothing explains why they are so successful.

First, we have to mention their incredible ability to breed. In its lifespan, one single insect can give birth to thousands, if not tens of thousands. Also, the process of maturing is relatively short, which means the first generation will be still alive when the next start reproducing.

This fast reproducing also gives them advantages on a genetic level. They have all the necessary tools to adapt fast to the climate they live it.

Second, they have exoskeletons. These work like body armor, which allows them to live in the harshest climates where no other animals can.

Some insects are known to live near active volcanos, in deserts, frozen tundras, and even some can fly up to 5 kilometers above sea level.

Their small size is also an advantage. They can get use of all the available resources in a certain place with maximum efficiency.

And finally their most powerful weapon. Metamorphosis. It is so effective that 86% of all known insects undergo metamorphosis at least one time in their life.

This allows them to use the available resources even better. For example, caterpillars eat the leaves of plants. After they get enough resources, they spin cocoons to undergo metamorphosis and turn into butterflies. Butterflies, unlike caterpillars, don’t eat leaves. Instead, they only eat the nectar of flowers. This way, the same species never compete for resources.