


fallout noun - radioactive particles that are carried into the atmosphere after a nuclear explosion and gradually fall back as dust or in precipitation

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The atomic bomb is the most terrifying and destructive weapon in humans’ arsenal. Hopefully, you may never experience its consequences because of the treaties most countries with such weapons have signed. But what should you do in case of nuclear fallout?

When a nuclear weapon explodes there is often a radius of a few hundred meters where everything is incinerated. People in this area have no chance of survival. But others away from the bomb have some pretty good chances.

The first thing to do is to take shelter inside a building. Most modern buildings are strong enough to withstand the shockwave, heat, and debris coming. After the explosion, you have 15 minutes before the fallout. 

If some radioactive dust covers you on the way home you should remove your clothes and shoes and store them away from you. You should wash all skin that had contact with the fallout dust. 

We are used to expecting help to come always but this time most probably there will be no help. The Internet and mobile phones will stop working. Maybe radios will continue broadcasting so they are your only source of information. 

We should hope to never use these tactics but in the case of a nuclear explosion remember - get inside, stay inside, and stay informed.

How to survive a nuclear explosion?