


caldera noun - a large volcanic crater, especially one formed by a major eruption leading to the collapse of the mouth of the volcano

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One of the biggest cataclysms in human history has been caused by volcano eruptions. When we hear the word volcano we imagine molten rock moving slow but devouring everything in its way. However, the terror of supervolcanoes is not in how much lava they will throw away but how much toxic gases they will release.

When a supervolcano erupts it can release millions of tons of toxic gases that not only cause acid rains but can change the climates of the affected areas.

In 1600 the eruption of the volcano Huaynaputina in Peru caused severe famine in Russia, on the other side of the world, that killed 2 000 000 people. In 1815 the Tambora volcano erupted in Indonesia and caused harsh winters and scarce harvest in Asia, Europe, and North America.  

One of the most dangerous types of volcanoes are calderas. They form when eruptions are so large they destroy the structure of the volcano. Even though you may not see anything above ground under it the volcanic activity continues storing pressure until it is too late and it explodes. 

The biggest caldera we are aware of is located in the park Yellowstone in the USA. Scientists believe it will not erupt in the near one thousand years but still, this fear is much more real than we would like it to.

The power of a supervolcano.