


plutonium noun - the chemical element of atomic number 94, a dense silvery radioactive metal of the actinide series, used as a fuel in nuclear reactors and as an explosive in nuclear fission weapons

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One of the most promising discoveries of the XX century was nuclear energy. Clean and so efficient that only one kilogram of nuclear fuel can power an average household for over 30 years. People imagined nuclear power plants, cars, and airplanes. But with time their desire faded and today only 10% of the energy around the world is produced by nuclear power plants. 

Nuclear energy brings a lot of benefits but also a lot of responsibilities. Nuclear power plants produce energy by triggering a chain reaction in the fuel they use, most commonly uranium, which is used to release energy and often heat water which rotates a turbine near the reactor which produces energy. These types of reactors are called water reactors. They are one of the first to be designed and their technology has not changed much from then. 

Nuclear power plants also face a lot of criticism from local citizens. Most people just feel bad when such dangerous facilities are near them. 

Another serious problem is the storing of nuclear waste. Elements like plutonium are created during the reactions of the fuel and they took tremendous amounts of time to become safe. How a nation that existed only a few centuries is planning to keep plutonium safe for 24 000 years which is the time it needs to decay. 

No matter what nuclear energy remains the cleanest and most effective available. The problem is that most of the power plants we have are built in the past century and use very outdated technologies. There are new promising projects but they are either too expensive or too complex to create.

The future of nuclear energy.