


opportunist noun - a person who takes advantage of opportunities as and when they arise, regardless of planning or principle

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Julias Caesar can easily be determined as one of the most significant people ever lived. He became popular with his successful military campaigns as he reclaimed the influence of Rome in many territories and conquered others. This placed him at the top of popularity. Monuments and temples were built and a whole month in the calendar was renamed after him. This month is still known as July. 

The reason for the conspiracy against him was the fear of many for the path to dictatorship Rome was heading to. Thinking they were saving democracy on 15 March 44 BCE a group of people including the famous Brutus took Caesar’s life.

The result was contrary to what they expected. This led to the end of democracy and power was concentrated in the hands of one man with the title emperor. 

Brutus on the other hand took his own life a few years later. There are still debates about whether he was a traitor-opportunist or fighter for democracy. In the book Inferno, he is placed in the center of hell for his betrayal. 

Over 2 000 years after Caesar’s assassination the questions that interested its murderers are still important. Questions like what is more important - your universal ideals or your loyalty to close relatives.

The conspiracy against Caesar.