


yeast noun - a microscopic fungus capable of converting sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide

wort  noun - the sweet infusion of ground malt or other grain before fermentation

kettle  noun - a container or device in which water is boiled

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It is the third most consumed beverage in the world. Third only to water and tea. Beer is among the most popular and oldest alcoholic drinks. Nearly 189 000 000 000 liters of beer are consumed every year. For most human history, beer used to be produced in people’s homes and many continue this tradition to the present day. 

Beer production begins by choosing a source of starch. Malted barley is the most common choice but wheat, rice, and even corn also find their place. First, the source of starch is mixed with hot water. During the first step, starch is converted into sugars and a liquid called wort. The liquid is transferred into a kettle and is boiled for 1 to 2 hours. Water evaporates during boiling and all left enzymes are destroyed. 

After the wort is boiled, it is left to cool down and then is ready for the yeast to be added. The amount of yeast and the period of fermentation determines the quality and amount of alcohol in the beer. During fermentation, hops are added for bitter taste and fragrance. 

The duration of fermentation may vary from a few weeks to one or two months. Almost 13 000 years beer is the most preferred alcoholic beverage in the world and there are no signs for this to change any time soon.

How beer is produced?