


legislative  adjective - having the power to make laws

THC  noun - tetrahydrocannabinol, a crystalline compound that is the main active ingredient of cannabis

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The belief that marijuana is the least harmful and even beneficial drug is widely spread. But it seems this is not enough to force the legislative authorities to make its usage legal. Furthermore, there are numerous studies showing its negative impact on the brain. 

Many studies conducted on mice show significant problems in the formation of some brain areas due to marijuana exposure at an early age. Mice exposed to THC had memory problems and were more likely to use other drugs if available. 

Studies on people on the other hand show very conflicting results. Some connect the usage of marijuana during childhood with smaller parts of the brain compared to other children who did not use it. Other studies do not find any significant differences. 

The results are affected by many factors like age during the first use, family environment, behavior with other people through the years, usage frequency, and amount of drug in one dose. Some studies hint lower IQ in people who used marijuana but more complex research is needed to draw a conclusion. 

Currently, it is not sure if marijuana has any negative effects on the human brain. Some people believe its legalization will eradicate the usage of stronger drugs. Others support this by giving examples with the Dry state in the USA in the XX century. People lacked any access to alcohol and the little they got illegally was much stronger than they usually would consume. Many people do not drink a bottle of vodka after work but would enjoy a beer. The situation with marijuana is much more complicated. Its fate is yet to be decided as we are waiting for the results from the studies being conducted right now.

The effects of marijuana on the brain.