


reforestation  noun - the process of replanting an area with trees

monoculture  noun - the cultivation of a single crop in a given area

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The creation of new forest is a difficult and responsible task. It involves a lot of research and planning and is much more complicated than just planting a group of trees close to each other. 

Even though reforestation today is rare it is still done in many countries in the world. The problem is that it is done mostly with monocultures. Forests comprised of monocultures are forests with very few tree species presented. These trees are also commonly nonnative to the local area which makes the formation of a new forest impossible.

Woods made of one or very few different species of trees can easily be destroyed by one pest or illness. Trees that are not native to the region struggle to adapt to the climate and often do not make it to maturity. They also are rarely used by animals in the forest which is the whole point of regenerating forests.

When one new forest is planted it is essential local species to be chosen. If done correctly one man-made forest requires very little maintenance and once the trees mature the forest will reproduce indefinitely.

How a forest is created?