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Life on our planet has walked a very long way. From the first single-celled organism to the incredible biodiversity we know today. Several times the life on Earth faced extinction, and yet it emerged every time stronger than before.

Biodiversity has turned our planet into a unique home of life. It allowed humans to appear; it gives us the food we eat every day, provides us with fresh water, and protects us from the severe cosmos. The forests with their thousands of different plants gave us many medicines we use to date. Such medication is aspirin extracted firstly from birch bark. 

Biodiversity makes ecosystems here on Earth stronger. This way, if one species goes extinct, the system will most probably not notice its lack. But today, thanks to humans, an unprecedented number of species are facing extinction. Although one species cannot destroy a whole ecosystem, many could.  

The future is uncertain. Life’s insurance is biodiversity. If we disturb it, we might make our own life much harder.



Why biodiversity is important?