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Most history books are decided that the Roman empire fell on 467 C.E., But if the millions of Romans could read that, they might have got very disappointed. 

When barbarians looted Rome, and the western provinces were conquered, the city Constantinople became the capital of the empire. Founded by the first Christian emperor Konstantin I in year 330 C.E. The city not only saved the empire from collapse but also allowed roman emperors to rule for the next 11 centuries.  

The life in the Byzantine empire did not differ much from life in the Roman empire. The way of governance, the laws, the clothes, and buildings were like the ones in the Roman empire. The truth is that the name Byzantine Empire did not exist. It appeared nearly a century after the empire fell. Indeed some greeks considered themselves for Romans until the beginning of the XXI century. 

The Byzantine Empire fell on 29 May 1453 after the Ottomans conquered the capital. This officially sets the end of the Roman empire but marks the beginning of the Renaissance. The philosophers and scientists migrated with their libraries to West Europe and set a  new era for human history.



When did the Roman Empire fall?