


water-soluble  adjective - able to be dissolved in water

fat-soluble  adjective - able to be dissolved in fats or oils

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There are many different vitamins. A, B, C, D, E, K.Everyone of them has an essential role in our body. They help it function and their lack can lead to serious diseases like scurvy. Of course, oversaturation with vitamins can also be a problem.

Plants and some fungi produce their vitamins, but we cannot, so we need to get them from other sources. Fruits and vegetables are such sources. But taking vitamins is easier than assimilating them. 

According to their type, our body has two ways of making use of them. The two models are water-soluble and fat-soluble. Water-solubles are presented in fruits and vegetables and can quickly move through the body using our blood.  Fat-solubles can be found in dairy and oil products and cannot move via our blood. For them, our body has a special type of transport called proteins. Vitamins like A, D, E, K that are fat-soluble bonds with proteins and are stored for the body to use when needed. Oversaturation with those vitamins can lead to poisoning as, in most cases, the body has a big enough reserve of them. 

Water-soluble vitamins like B and C can enter our body quickly but can leave it easily too. As they move through the blood, it can often lead them to the kidneys and then out of the body. They can be received every day via fresh fruits and vegetables.

Vitamins have an important job in our bodies. Vitamins from the B group help break down food. Others help us use the available energy. Thanks to vitamin C, we produce collagen. Vitamin A helps our eyes. Vitamin D helps us build bones while E acts as an antioxidant.



How vitamins help us?