


eave  noun - the part of a roof that meets or overhangs the walls of a building

pressure  noun - continuous physical force exerted on or against an object

atmospheric  adjective - relating to the atmosphere of the earth

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When it starts to rain, you may hardly see birds fly. Most probably, they will be hiding under houses’ eaves or in trees. But they are not doing this not to get wet.

Birds’ feathers, in combination with body oils, make them waterproof. Getting wet will be perfectly harmless to them. The reason is different. 

When it starts to rain, the air pressure drops. During low atmospheric pressure, the air gets less dense. In combination with water molecules from the rain, it gets even less dense. Birds could fly out, but this will require a lot of energy and effort. 

It is interesting that during rain and heavy wind, birds position their faces into the wind to limit the loss of body temperature. Of course, immediately after the rain stops, they start flying just like before it.

Can birds fly in the rain?