


reservoir  noun - a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply

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Every year half the world population is facing severe water shortages for at least one month. In the following years, this percentage will increase significantly. This leads many of us to the question - is our world going to run out of water?

On a planetary scale, the world cannot run out of water because it is constantly recycled. But the freshwater we people rely on is used up with such a fast pace that it cannot be replenished quickly enough. A great portion of the world’s underground reservoirs are on the verge of being depleted irreversibly. 

We, humans, consume much more water than we think. Even though we cannot drink more than 3 to 4 litters a day we are responsible for 3 000 litters of water being used. Most of this water is used for the production of the foods we consume. 

Everyone can help manage this tremendous water usage by monitoring what we eat and try to throw away less of it. On a global scale, a lot of the food that is produced is never eaten. Instead, it spoils or never reaches the consumer.

Will the world run out of water?