


billion  noun - the number equivalent to the product of a thousand and a million; 1,000,000,000 or 10 the power of 9

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Insects are rich in nutrients, healthy, easy for farming, and times more ecofriendly than other foods. Then why we do not eat them? In a historical plan, humans have a past of insect consumption. During the formation of our kind our ancestors most probably got the idea from other animals searching for insects to diversify their diet. 

In ancient Greece and Rome, they were considered a delicacy. Even today more than 2 billion people are eating bugs regularly. Mostly in tropical regions where they are plentiful and easy to catch. 

It is believed the western world stopped eating insects due to its rapid development and the loss of memory for their bug-eating predecessors.

We consider them disgusting but are indeed a superfood. If their look horrifies you there are plenty of alternatives. They can be ground into flour, made into bread, pasta, and countless other things.

Why we do not eat insects?