


synthetic  adjective - made by chemical synthesis, especially to imitate a natural product

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Airplanes are incredible. Fast, relatively cheap, and comfortable. You can fly around the world for less than a day. Everything sounds great but there is one serious problem. Airplanes use up tremendous amounts of fuel which is not only expensive but harmful to the environment. 

At take off a standard passenger airplane can carry up to 150 000 kilograms of airplane fuel. The most logical solution to the problem is to use alternative fuel. But currently, there is no alternative. Fuels like wood and coal do not hold enough energy. They can help an airplane to take off but will not be effective for long flights. Nuclear energy on the other side is too dangerous to worth the try. 

Our best chance is to create synthetic airplane fuel. And many scientists are trying to create it but it is often either ineffective or too expensive.

The mission for greener airplanes.