


mycorrhizal network  noun - underground hyphal networks created by mycorrhizal fungi that connect individual plants together and transfer nutrients

camouflage  noun - hide or disguise the presence of something

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It sounds strange but the plants in your garden, your terrace, or the room never stop talking. But how and what they are talking about so much?

Plants exchange information on various themes like different pests and transfer nutrients. For example, the recently mowed grass releases a special cocktail of compounds that we humans can smell too. It warns other plants near it about upcoming danger. However, it cannot save grass from the mower it can save plants from other dangers like insects. If one plant is attacked by a caterpillar it will release a special mixture of compounds that will warn the nearby plants to start producing substances that repel them or attack their enemies.

Plants also communicate with their roots. We do not know how but we think it is through the extensive fungi network called mycorrhizal network. This way if you have two tomato plants near each other and cover one while you spray the other with poison the covered one will be warned and will start producing protective substances. 

This communication is not always beneficial. Weeds can use the information they receive to mimic the leaves of nearby plants and this way create a camouflage.

The social life of plants.