


obesity  noun - the state of being grossly fat or overweight

artery  noun - any of the muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood is conveyed from the heart to all parts of the body

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Our daily life is getting increasingly more stressful. No matter at school or at work stress is getting a bigger and bigger problem among people. Slowly but surely it is harming everyone of us.

Stress is not a bad thing by itself. It is a mechanism that our body is using to become more productive. But the frequent use of this mechanism can lead to serious problems. When our body experiences stress it releases compounds that increase our heartbeat and pressure, makes us feel hungry and make us want unhealthier foods. The single-use of this mechanism can help us deal with a lot of work but its daily use can lead to problems with the heart, blocked arteries in the body and obesity, and all the problems associated with it. 

Everyone with a desire to live longer has to find a way to deal with the effects of stress. Afterall our daily life will always be full of problems and negative situations. It is important to deal with them and think of them as challenges and possibilities instead of punishments. This will make every one of us more productive and successful in the short run and healthier in the long run.

How stress makes us sick?