


environment  noun - the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates

gravity  noun - the force that attracts a body towards the center of the earth, or towards any other physical body having mass

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Stand up straight! You have been told this at least once in your life. It is annoying to hear it but necessary. The environment in which we live today makes it increasingly more difficult to stand and sit up straight. 

The benefits of a good posture are a lot.  It has a vital role in the way your body reacts to different situations you are placed in during your daily routine. These situations can include a strange position you will take in public transport, carrying heavy containers, or just the forces that are continually applying to your body like gravity. 

When your body is in a lousy posture, your muscles struggle and use more energy than usual to keep you standing. With time this can lead to damaging some of them.

Our lungs do not function properly too. Some studies link bad posture with back pain, headache, and increased risk of incidents as a whole.

It is easier said than done, but good posture is a must-have. Although mobile devices, computers, and even the strange positions we have to take every day encourage us to look down.

The benefits of a good posture.