


adolescent  adjective - in the process of developing from a child into an adult

sleep deprivation  noun - the situation or condition of suffering from a lack of sleep

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We all know adults have to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours every night, while adolescents have to sleep at least 10 hours. But until very recently, we have no clue why sleep is so important to us. From a few years, we started to understand what is happening when we are sleeping and what the lack of it can lead to. 

Sleep is humans’ superpower. While we are sleeping, our body works on its full capacity to heal the damage dealt during the day. During our sleep, we memorize everything seen and learned, muscles loosen up and relax, our breathing and heart rate slow down, corrections are made on our DNA, and our brain cleans all of the harmful substances stored throughout the day. 

This turns out to be so crucial. Until very recently, we did not know why hallucinations, impaired concentration, and memory loss appeared after sleep deprivation. Our brain uses more energy than any other part of the body. When it is using this energy, a lot of byproducts are released and their accumulation can impair the work of our brain. Everyone needs to get the necessary amount of sleep recommended for his age group to avoid these unpleasant problems.

The side effects of sleep deprivation.