


glacier  noun -  a slowly moving mass or river of ice formed by the accumulation and compaction of snow on mountains or near the poles

integrated  adjective - with various parts or aspects linked or coordinated

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If you have the chance to fly above the Himalayas with an airplane, you will witness white peeks for as far as your eyes could see. A view, unlike any other in the world. But if you had the chance to live 80 years and make this trip again, you might not be able to see the same again. The glaciers in the Himalayas are melting at a frightening pace. 

In 2019 the international center for integrated mountain development published its most detailed report on the Himalayas, which is stating that in 80 years up to ⅔ of the glaciers there might be gone. 

This is sad news by itself. A treasure that our planet has possessed for thousands of years is disappearing. But it also brings a lot of problems for the locals living in the Himalayas. It is estimated there are around 4000 cubic kilometers of water in the glaciers. When they melt down, the water needs to go somewhere. 

More and more mountain settlements are in danger of flooding. What is terrifying is the fact that the water is not slowly increasing, but instead, at any given moment, a glacier can release a devastating wave that will wipe out everything on its way.



The Himalayas are melting.