by Gallium Support

In this support article, we will present you with a short but very useful security guide with tips to use to stay safe while browsing the web and in particular Gallium.

In Gallium, we value your security and privacy above everything else. You can be sure that we take every necessary action to protect you. And in general, Gallium is a safe place where you cannot be harmed. However, the Internet is dangerous, so we also need your help in the never-ending war between hackers and heroes. Below you will see several easy actions you can take to increase your security. If you need more information we welcome you to visit the links and related articles placed on this page. 

1. Creating your account
When you create your account consider two things:

- Use a secure email. This sounds like no big deal but if your email is vulnerable then every account associated with it is vulnerable too. Use emails from well-known and trusted providers.  
- A strong password is what comes to everyone’s mind when it comes to security in the virtual world. We recommend creating your passwords alone, not using a program. Use lower and upper letters, numbers, and at least one special character. Do not write down your password anywhere, and change it at least twice a year. 

2. Browsing safely
We recommend you to use popular and trustworthy browsers. Also, log in to websites only when you are connected to a secured network. We do not advise you to do so when connected to a public network without password protection. 

If you need to connect using a public, school, or any other device that is not personally yours never save your password, and make sure to clear everything saved during the session.


3. Keep your device clean
It is important to keep your device (whether it is a pc or mobile) clean and up-to-date.

To do so you need to consider several things:

- Use reliable antivirus software, that is updated frequently (preferably every day)
- Use a firewall installed on your device to keep unwanted packages from the Interned away from your device
- Keep your operating software, drivers, and installed programs, especially your browser, up-to-date.

What does Gallium do for your safety? 

Our websites and services are protected and your connection is always encrypted. You can check this by clicking on the address bar of the browser you are using right now and seeing the website’s certificate.

Note that the official domain name of Gallium is

Variations are possible in the subdomain, for example,

but your connection will always be secured via HTTPS protocol. 


Emails from Gallium

Gallium might send you emails about news and promotions if you have given your agreement for this. Emails from Gallium are always ending with If you receive an email claiming to be from Gallium but with another address immediately delete the email. DO NOT open it and definitely DO NOT follow the links in it.

Another thing to consider about emails is that Gallium will NEVER want you to send your password in an email, or any other kind of personal information like address, name, payment information, etc. 

If you have received a strange email from Gallium (automatic emails about news and promotions excluded) you can always contact our Support so they can verify or not that the email is genuine. 


External links 

All pages in the Gallium web space are safe for you to use. All attached files in Gallium are also safe for you to use. But have in mind that on some pages there are links leading to third-party services and websites like social media or websites of partners. We always check the content these links are leading to but the Internet is a dynamic place where everything changes constantly. We might have checked the content of a web page the day before and now it could be completely different. So be extra cautious when following external links.


External links from the community and chats 

Links sent to you via chats, forums, or comments are not checked by Gallium and we cannot guarantee for them. If you do not trust the person sending them please do not open the links. 


Privacy, cookies, and tracking

We value your privacy and this is the reason the data we collect is very limited. We only collect data that helps us improve our services like the type of your device, operating system, and network speed. We use third-party services like Google Analytics to do that. We do not collect marketing and advertising data. If you want to learn more about privacy, cookies, and tracking please follow the links. 


1. What is a secure email?

2. How do I know a password is safe?

This is an email provided by well-known and trustworthy providers.

Generally, a password is considered strong if enough characters are used. For example, most websites require at least 8. Also, make sure to incorporate both lower and upper letters, numbers, and special characters like @, $, #, %, ^, &, etc.

3. What is anti-virus software?

This is a program specially designed to scan your device, detect malicious and harmful software and remove it.

4. What is a firewall?

A firewall is a specialized hardware or software which main goal is to filter packages arriving from the Internet and give or deny them access to your device. A firewall can provide some defense but it does not eliminate the need for antivirus software.

5. What is HTTPS?

HTTPS is an internet protocol that encrypts the data you transfer through the Internet and thus cannot be accessed by people which it is not intended for.

6. What is an external link?

An external link is a link leading to a website or webpage outside of the Gallium webspace. For example, is not an external link if you are already using Gallium, but is.

7. What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a service that helps websites collect general not personalizing data from their users. Data like country, device type, software type, and network provider. Google Analytics cannot identify you as a person.

If you have any additional questions feel free to contact our support via live chat, email, or use our contact form.

User Security Guide