Blue mountains and sky
Autumn Expedition 2020 cover image

Many individual states are taking the initiative to protect these such important inhabitants of our planet. Germany in 2019 launched a program to ban the use of pesticides that provenly harm insects, and also to protect and restore insects’ natural habitats. 

There certainly is much more that can be done but the changes many governments are taking look overwhelmingly promising. Scientists on the other hand urge for quicker and more aggressive measures to reduce greenhouse gases to preserve more habitats for wildlife. Also, stricter control on the import of exotic species has to be applied because poaching is the main reason for the extinction of many species and the introduction of invasive ones in areas they have never been seen before.

Termites and ants can transform the soil, in dry and hot climates, by enriching it and helping it to hold more water and nutrients. The introduction of termites in unfertile areas has turned the soils there into tillable land in just one year. 

These are some of the most vital jobs for the life on Earth. Yet no other species have volunteered to perform them. They are essential even for our own existence as humans.

Insects fill many other niches than the mentioned above five crucial ones. They are the biggest carriers of seeds in nature. For example, many plants pack their seeds in bags filled with fats and other goodies, and some ants take these packages and eat the fats while leaving the seeds to germinate. 

Insects are without appeal the most diverse kind on the planet. They are so many that scientists believe we have not even discovered all insects there are to be discovered. We think two factors gave insects this diversity in species.

The first one is their efficiency in resource management. Their small size only adds benefits. One tree can be home to thousands of insects and none of the different kinds there will compete for the same resources the others use. For example, caterpillars can eat the leaves of the tree, wasps will eat caterpillars on their way, bees will pollinate the flowers of the tree if there are any, the caterpillars that turn into butterflies will also pollinate the flowers of the tree. The tree on the other hand might summon defenders like ants to protect it from pests. The ants and many other insects will become food for spiders. 

The second element which gave them this diversity is time.  

The second element which gave them this diversity is time. Insects have been roaming Earth long before the first dinosaurs. They are pioneers in many evolutionary steps. They were the first to unlock the ability to fly.

Despite everything, they are disappearing. Unfortunately, we do not understand why exactly this is happening. One is certain, however - the populations of almost all known species are declining. 

Today insects can still be found almost everywhere. On immense heights where stoneflies live for example or in mind-blowingly deep caverns which silverfish inhabit.

On the other hand, we humans are directly in charge of the disappearance of many insect species and we understand that to a great extent. Many families of butterflies are on the verge of going extinct due to a lack of habitats and food. It is true that butterflies, when grown, can fly and eat wherever they want but when they are caterpillars they depend on the plant they have been born to and its leaves to survive. 

People in their aspiration to kill pests that harm their crops use unnecessarily poisonous chemicals that kill not only the pests but also everything else around them. 

The situation is not that hopeless after all. In the following years, many precautions were taken on a global level to protect insects.

The European Union banned most neonicotinoids which many studies link with the declining populations of insects and birds.

Insects live in the hot and inhospitable on first look springs of Yellowstone. They also live in the piercing cold of Antarctica where some insects cover their eggs in a substance similar to antifreeze.

Despite all their benefits and their whopping numbers, we humans, have managed to prevail even them. Of course, this is not a victory to celebrate. Their declining populations are a warning for us and we should take this warning very seriously and act as quickly as possible to turn this trend until it is too late.

The problem is very complex however and it cannot be solved as easily as we would like to. The reasons for this extinction are various and for many species, we do not even know them. For example, bees have been disappearing for many years but we do not understand exactly what is killing them.

Insects' Demise

oday we live in the Anthropocene. An epoche defined by us - humans. We have transformed the landscape of the planet, we have access to most of its resources and we have even changed the composition of the atmosphere and the oceans. We are over seven billion but compared to their quintillions it can be easily said they outnumber us. We think we have the power to decide everything regarding “our” planet but in fact, insects have and always had the last word.




Mushrooms are much more than you expect. Learn more about them and how they master rain. 


Anthropocene  /ˈanθrəpəˌsiːn/  adjective - relating to or denoting the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment

composition  /kɒmpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/  noun - the nature of something's ingredients or constituents; the way in which a whole or mixture is made up

quintillion  /kwɪnˈtɪljən/  number - a thousand raised to the power of six or a million raised to the power of five

apex  /ˈeɪpɛks/  noun - the top or highest part of something, especially one forming a point

goodie  /ˈɡʊdi/  noun - something attractive or desirable, especially something tasty to eat

inhospitable  /ˌɪnhɒˈspɪtəb(ə)l,ɪnˈhɒspɪtəb(ə)l/  adjective - (of an environment) harsh and difficult to live in

neonicotinoid  /ˌniːə(ʊ)ˈnɪkətɪnɔɪd/  noun - a systemic agricultural insecticide resembling nicotine


You can start by searching - “What vital roles insects have for the ecosystems here on Earth?”. Then you can find more information on the causes of insects’  extinction and why this is a serious problem. You can find more information on the actions of states, organizations, and individuals to protect insects. 

You may find the article in the National Geographic Magazine called - “Why insect populations are plummeting—and why it matters” - by Douglas Main interesting. 

Learn more about the monarch butterfly and many other insect species that are currently in danger and how you can help them on the website of WWF.

Except for their incredible numbers and diversity in species, there is one additional thing that makes them the real masters of this planet. Insects have five such important roles for the ecosystems here on Earth that many scientists believe without them these systems will collapse.

Insects provide food. They are often at the bottom of the food chain and provide an abandoned food source for many small amphibians and birds. These animals on their own turn into food for Apex predators. Without insects, the food chain system will not be able to function in the way we know it now. If insects disappear the populations of the animals depending on them will decrease significantly while the predators on the top of the food chain might starve to death and go extinct.

Almost every terrestrial animal depends directly or not on insects. They also provide an important food source for most freshwater fish. 

Insects are the ones that recycle in nature. They take care of the waste of everyone else. Some beetles for example build their homes out of feces, lay their eggs on them, and even feed on them. 

Predatory insects like wasp play the role of natural exterminators and control pests like aphids.

Bees, butterflies, and many other insects have the crucial duty to pollinate plants. Nearly 90% of all flowering plants and 75% of the crops we grow for food need pollination. Without it, they will not produce any fruit.