


hero noun - a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities

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Who is your hero? Maybe Harry Poter, or Frodo or maybe an athlete, eco-activist, relative? Whoever s/he is their path can be defined by 12 simple steps. 12 steps you follow every day and they make some of us true heroes of our own. 

Professor Joseph Campbell published his work “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” in 1949. In it, he searched commonalities between myths and legends about heroes from different nations and cultures. He found a connection between all of them and concluded that indeed all heroes are reflections of us. 

Every hero begins his/her adventure with a call. In Harry Poter, this is the letter he receives. Then every hero needs some help. Help from someone older and wiser. In Hobbit this man is Gandalf. After the hero has been prepared the adventure begins and it is time for departure. 

Being a hero is not easy so shortly after the journey begins the first trial starts. This can vary from small inconveniences like transport failure to fighting with monsters. 

Then the hero faces his biggest fear. An almost undefeatable enemy that squeezes every bit of energy the hero has. The hero faces death and even dies only to come back stronger. After defeating the enemy the hero takes his treasure which can be something material or power and recognition. 

Depending on the treasure and the story itself some result follows. It can be in the form of another challenge however smaller than the previous ones. Then comes the moment when the hero returns to his ordinary world and the adventures from the unknown one end. 

It is time for the hero to begin his new life in some way. After all, after a long absence, the world is never the same just as you are different. It is time for new possibilities and a new way of life for the adventurer. Heroes’ work never ends so shortly after the return it is time for a new journey. Then everything repeats again and again.       

All this means you can be a hero too. Never miss a call for an adventure, always face your fears and fight for the prize you desire. Afterall the common between all stories for heroes is that they are based on real personalities just like you.

How to be a hero?