


entrepreneur noun - a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit

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It is believed the person who called the practice of eating humans cannibalism for the first time was Christopher Columbus. On the way to the Americas, he encountered many tribes killing and eating their prisoners. When he returned to Europe and told his queen Izabella about that she ordered that everyone practicing cannibalism can be enslaved. The order was pretty much interpreted by Columbus as he enslaved everyone he pleased to. 

Long before this word to be created people from different cultures used cannibalism for rituals, salvation from starvation, or just for pleasure.  

In periods of great famine people often ate the dead ones instead of burying them. The choice was whether to eat the dead or die not doing so. 

Evidence suggesting cannibalism with no connection to survival has been found in many places around the world.  Parts of the human body were cooked, ground, and eaten for medical purposes. 

In the XV century, a strange practice of eating brownish dust made of ground mummies occured in Europe. It was spread like a cream or even mixed with water and drank. People used it for bleeding, vomiting, and almost every other problem they had. In the beginning, mummies were taken from Egypt but the demand was so big that some innovative entrepreneurs began mummifying dead people. 

It may sound strange but in many places, people voluntarily agreed to be eaten. The best example of this comes from New Guinea. The native people there had a tradition of everyone stating what he wanted to happen with him after death. Some wanted their relatives to gather and consume the body. This on its own led to a lethal disease that spread among the locals quickly. 

In other cultures flash and even fingers from kids were used as a final desperate try to save someone ill from dying. 

Although there are many sources of cannibalism it is hard to distinguish the genuine from the fictitious ones. Christopher Columbus himself was not that accurate when it comes to cannibalism. However, one thing is certain. Cannibalism was practiced for millennia and continues to be practiced in the present day.

The history of cannibalism.