


cost-effective  adjective - effective or productive in relation to its cost

neuron  noun - a specialized cell transmitting nerve impulses; a nerve cell

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For many years the myth that our brains use only 10% of their full potential has been around. According to studies, nearly ⅔ of all people believe in this while almost half of all teachers at school are telling this to their students. 

It is true that our brain is not using every neuron it has at any given moment but this is due to energy saving, not a limit. It is considered the normal operating limit of our brains is between 1% and 16%.

On theory, the brain can use every neuron it has at the same time but this would not be cost-effective. Thanks to fire and cooking food our brains have grown much bigger than the ones of other animals but even cooked food cannot provide that much energy.

Adults use 20% of their body’s energy to keep the brain working. Kinds use around 60%. To still operate our brains have learned how to save energy without reducing the quality of their work.

This is the reason why we cannot do two or more things at the same time. We just lack the energy for this.

How much percent of our brain do we use?