


sonar  noun - a system for the detection of objects underwater by emitting sound pulses and detecting or measuring their return after being reflected

salmon  noun - a large edible fish

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Scientists are warning our ocean are at their critical minimum of fish possible. The populations of many fish species are devasted, while global warming is harming ecosystems on top of all. Is it possible for our oceans to become empty of fish?

Probably not but the food source we rely on might get lost. When most people hear the word fishing they imagine relaxing sitting in a boat and waiting for something to catch on your hook. But industrial fishing is more of a catastrophe for the fish in the oceans. Radars, sonars, helicopters, and planes are among the things used for ships to catch more fish. Nets tens of meters long are used for cathing everything in their way, including turtles, dolphins, and sea birds, which are then thrown away dead as unwanted junk.  

Todays’ fishing ships are cathing more fish in more inaccessible areas than ever. The populations of some of our favorite fish like salmon and tuna are endangered. 

To protect the biodiversity in our oceans, there are so many things to do like adequate law actions from local governments compliant with science facts and honoring communities depending on fishing. Also, harmful practices like nets being dragged to the bottom should be banned.

Will fish disappear from our oceans?