


dehydration  noun - the loss or removal of water from something

beverage  noun - a drink other than water

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Water is essential for life as we know it here on Earth. We, humans, make no exception. Depending on our age, we are around 55% to 65% water. Newborn babies are even “wetter” with up to 80% water. Only for one year, they reach the levels of all other living people. 

Water helps our bodies regulate temperature, it greases our joints and nourishes the brain and the spine. H20 is the best drink we could possibly consume. But we need to be careful. Overdrinking of water can lead to headaches, vomiting, seizures, and death in some rare cases. Dehydration is also dangerous as it can cause severe damage to the brain and other organs. 

Good hydration is believed to protect us from heart attacks, certain types of cancer, and diabetes. People who lack constant access to fresh drinking water can use beverages like tea and coffee, which are as good as water in replenishing liquids. Fruits like strawberries and cucumbers that are over 90% water are also a great source of fluids and nutrients.

How much water do we need to drink?