Gallium Powered

Service status - 25/08/2018

Bulgaria joins East Europe region with the arriving sub regions: Serbia, Greece, Romania and Croatia.

Singapore and Japan are joining the group of regions 'till the end of season 2018 too.

Service status - 06/08/2018

Scheduled maintenance and update preparations - Due to scheduled maintenance and preparations for upcoming update Gallium ADI will stop working today 06/08/2018 at 13:00 (1:00PM) UTC+2, and all presentations creating at the moment will be saved as drafts. Community and store may stop working. We expect to finish work for 4 or 5 hours.

Service status - 22/07/2018

Daily lessons - We are currently working on Gallium daily lessons. Expect more information next month.

Service status - 16/07/2018

Mobile version problems - We fixed some problems on Gallium mobile version in the profiles section.

Service status - 14/07/2018

The following pages have new UI and design: login, register, change region and service status.

Service status - 13/07/2018

New version of Gallium catalog will be released in the middle of August.

Beta testing starts from 28 July 2018 15:00 UTC+2.

Community Forums

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Fun zone


Short guide on how to use

1. Search before creating new discussion

2. Remember: Be polite and you shall receive the same

3. Don't start wars with affronts. We all are here to have fun

Forum rules: Must read!

Read the forum rules before starting to using the community

Forum terms of use: Updated!

Read the forum terms of use before starting using the community. The terms contains legal information so you should read them before you start using this feature.

Forum profile features and tricks:

See how to edit your community profile and see some tricks to make it looks better. See the coolest features of the community.