This page is a memory from an era long forgotten. It serves no purpose.


Gallium Powered

Be your best in the Lab

When you are in Gallium be your best. Don’t offend, harass or hurt someone’s dignity. In Gallium you can create or join clubs and compete with other clubs. But be serious, your club needs you to win and get better in Gallium and chemistry. We know that the life happens  and not every time you can be on time to help your club  but if you continue to leave or don’t come on time Gallium will block your account and you won’t be able to join clubs any more. When you join in chemistry competition with your club be sure that you won’t leave them.



Drive constructive feedback

You want your voice to be heard? Ok, but be honest and clear. Users’ feedback is the most important thing for Gallium but don’t overdo it. When you send us your opinion about Gallium services be absolutely constructive. Don’t offend because you just hate something or don’t understand it. If you want something to be changed to better ... OK, we are here to hear you. It is always a big pleasure for us to read everything you send to us in the support and it’s even a bigger pleasure to help you solve your problems but be honest! Always!




Create civil discussions and always remember that peace is something great.

We say you about feedback but being part of the community don’t end here. When you use chats, forums and club discussions you must be your best.  When you join in a discussion always appreciate other users’ point of view. And always think how you present your opinion. Be sure that you don’t offend anyone, don’t start wars!




Enjoy yourself but not anyone else‘s expense.

Everyone must have self-esteem but don’t overdo it. It’s good to love yourself but don’t be selfish and pushy. Everyone on Gallium and in the real world has the same rights just like you. You are not more special than the other users. Be part of the community!




Build relationships

Become a friend with the community. Gallium Powered is not only learning website it is a social place. When you interact with the community you should give your best. Create friendships or even something bigger?