


microwave oven noun - an oven that uses microwaves to cook or heat food

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When most people hear the word radiation they feel some unpleasant feelings. But radiation is not always dangerous and even the world we are used to is built on different types of radiation. Radiation is the state when an object is emitting rays. These rays are not always harmful. Radio waves, infrared waves, and the waves warming up your food in the microwave are all harmless.

On the other hand gamma rays, ionizing rays and the rays from the end of the ultraviolet rays can be lethal. But we are rarely exposed to them during our daily lives. 

Probably today you have received some emails thanks to radiowaves and you have read them on your mobile phone because it is emitting visible light. You have warmed up your lunch in the microwave and you have done countless other things using radiation. 

The radiation emitted from the cores of some unstable atoms on the other hand is a serious problem. Unstable atoms emit energy in the form of radiation with the goal of becoming more stable. This energy turns into ionizing rays which are named that way because they can rip electrons from other atoms shells. An atom that loses or gets an electron is called an ion. 

Ionizing rays can damage our DNA and cause many problems. A great portion of this radiation we receive every day comes from Radon. This is gas that can be found everywhere. 

Another source of radiation is bananas. They contain an isotope of radioactive potassium but to get poisoned you need to eat nearly 200 bananas for a day. 

Our modern way of life is built on the different types of radiation and the knowledge we have about them. This of course is not something you should feel anxious or scared of.

Is radiation dangerous?