


significantly - in a sufficiently great or important way

timber - wood prepared for use

deforestation - the action of clearing a wide area of trees

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In the past decades, the production of paper became more efficient, and therefore its price dropped significantly. This resulted in people using it more and, of course, wasting more. 

It is everywhere, from office materials, store bags, to books and magazines. About 40% of the world’s garbage is made out of paper. Although a lot of timber is used for paper production, this industry is not the most significant contributor to deforestation. 

Agriculture is the most responsible for the cutting of our forests. The production of food mostly soi and palm oil and also cattle farms. 

This does not mean we should not think of ways to reduce our paper usage. The life of paper starts and ends in violent for nature way. To be produced, trees need to be cut down, and then a paper sheet most commonly ends its life being burned. This industry uses significant quantities of water too. Ten liters of water are required for one A4 paper sheet. 

With simple actions, we can limit the impact of this industry on nature. We can reduce our paper usage, reuse, and recycle it. We can encourage relatives and friends to do the same.



Is paper responsible for deforestation?