


suppress  verb - prevent the development, action, or expression of (a feeling, impulse, idea, etc.); restrain

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Our cities are ugly, dirty, and built up with grey buildings similar to each other. It is strange because our kind has not always been like this. Since its beginning people set aside time for art, to make their tools the shape they like and decorate their homes. Sadly in the past decades, we abandoned beauty for efficiency. But this leads to worsening mood, psychological and chronic diseases. 

Studies suggest that buildings with complex designs keep our attention for longer and make us feel better. The opposite is also true. Simple, grey, concrete buildings suppress and strain us. 

Another study shows that people in hospitals that have been recently renovated tend to recover faster and use less medication. 

We humans no longer depend on nature to determine how our surroundings will look like. We have built our big and prospering cities but we have left beauty behind. Adding some new detail in your home can instantly make you feel happier. Detail like a painting or a flower.

Why beauty matter?