


predetermine  verb - establish or decide in advance

interact  verb - act in such a way as to have an effect on each other

evaporate  verb - turn from liquid into vapor

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Every living organism is born and then dies. This is normal. And as far as we know, even the Universe will die someday. But to find out how we need to know what the Universe is made of. Thanks to Einstein and his theory of relativity, we know that the Universe is flat. And this mostly predetermines the way it will end. 

Everything we see, like planets and stars, is made of matter. When we look up at the night sky, it seems the stars are countless. And they are a lot but the matter they are made of only accounts for 5% of the total mass of the Universe. Another 27% comprise dark matter. We called it this way because it does not interact with light, except that it is mostly the same as ordinary matter. But the other 68% are for dark energy. We do not know what this is, but we know it acts contrary to gravity. Instead of holding the Universe put it rips it apart.

With time our Universe will become darker and colder. Everything will get farther away. There will not be enough gas for new stars to be born, and the already existing ones will burn out their fuel. With the death of the last star, only black holes will continue to exist. Given enough time they will evaporate too. Then the Universe will become a dark, cold, and empty place where nothing will change again. 

It sounds depressing, but the way our Universe will end is similar to the way it began - with expansion.

The end of the Universe.