


insomnia  noun - habitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep

routine  noun - a sequence of actions regularly followed

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Insomnia is painful and dangerous, and more and more people are suffering from this condition. But what causes it? You are trying to fall asleep but cannot because you are thinking about philosophical problems, you are worried about an upcoming test, every sound interrupts you…

It turns out stress is the major contributor to insomnia. This condition can be caused by our modern lifestyle too. For example, playing video games or working late in the evenings keeps your brain stimulated and minimizes your chances of falling asleep. 

Insomnia is a severe problem, and however, it can rarely lead to death, it causes a lot of issues for those suffering from it. But in fact, everyone can solve this problem fairly easily. 

Set aside time for your bed routine. Cool your bedroom, make sure it is dark and eliminate every sound you can. If you still cannot fall asleep try to relax with activities like reading, meditating, and journaling. Do not do these in the bed. Use it only for sleep.

What causes insomnia?