Forest's Secrets




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Are forest fires good?

How can a disaster the scale of a forest fire be good? They incinerate so much land, burn thousands or even tens of thousands of trees and even destroy human and animal homes. But is it really destruction the only thing that is left after a forest fire?

All of these bad effects are true but at the same time, forest fires prove to be good. Not only they are helpful but many animals and plant species have evolved to rely on wildfires. Even though wildfires burn some trees many more are born after them.

For example in the conifer forests of western North America, many pines have evolved to rely on fire. This sounds counterintuitive but it is true. The explanation comes from the way certain species grow. These species prefer open and sunny places and this way from the very beginning of their lives, they compete with each other trying to grow faster and taller than their neighbors all the time. After several generations have passed the forest canopy is so thick that the sunlight can barely make it to the forest floor. And when the pines’ cones mature and release their seeds most of them are unable to grow. This creates serious danger for the survival of these trees and the animals which depend on them. In this situation, only fire seems to be able to help.

These species have evolved to depend on fires and they grow two types of cones. The first type is the regular (annual)  cone that matures and releases its seeds every year. The second type is the serotinous cone which matures but does not open until a change in the environment like rising in temperature triggers it. The serotinous cones are like special capsules that preserve the seeds until they are needed. This way even when they fall on the ground the cones can still be viable for several years. And when the fire begins the cones are ready for action.

When a forest fire grows it can reach temperatures of up to 1 000 degrees which is more than enough for the cones which open at around 60. But fires are not only needed for the cones to open and release the seeds. They also burn the old trees and make free space for the new generation to come. When burning leaves, sticks, bushes and even whole trees the fires break them into valuable nutrients that enrich the soil and this way the new forest can grow for no time. This enrichment of the soil can happen without the help of fire too but it would take several years to happen.

Not only trees can benefit from wildfires but also animals. Fires clear big parts of the forests and create grasslands which many animals need for shelter and food source.

Many predators also benefit from wildfires by catching animals that are leaving their shelters running from the danger. Some of them are even believed to start fires on purpose.


Humans also owe their success to forest fires. Many scientists believe that early humans have been strongly dependent on this phenomenon. They believe that humans have been receiving this commodity from wildfires. Fire has made the long and cold winters less crucial, cooked food let to the development of our brains and also fire was an easy and effective way to scare predators. Our ancestors had learned to appreciate forest fires instead of being afraid of them.


Of course, not every forest can benefit from a forest fire. This phenomenon is devastating for certain types of forests. And no matter how good fire can be it must not get left without any control.


There are people whose job is to actually start fires but in strictly controlled conditions. This way they can prevent a bigger catastrophe while still helping the forests to get cleared and regrown. We still don’t understand wildfires completely but more and more efforts are being directed towards this field lately. By making small fires we can make more good for the forest instead of putting out them and this way preparing piles of fuel for a bigger tread to come and get out of control.